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The charmed ones

Charmed is coming back for another season!! (season 8)

The show (season 8)
Charmed is comming back for another season (season 8). Well it looks like the girls are coming back for another season, I confirme the rumeurs about them not coming back but its not true. Without Alyssa, Holly and rose theirs no show. Have any comments about this you can email me!! My email is at the end of the site.   {Thank you David one of the biggest charmed fan for the information about charmed season 8.}                


Ok guys I figured out how to put some charmed episodes on my site but here's the catch I can only put one at a time I dont have allot of space. If like you can email me and add a request of what kind of episode you would like me to put on the site. By the way I have a bunch of trailers, go chek them out.

The site

I promise you a new designe and i got you guys one. Here it is the new designe but im not sure if its going to stay like that. Ok since ive put some episode on my site allot of people been asking me what kind of episde they want this week. If you want you can email me and put a request of what kind of episode you want. May I reminde you guys this is only a free site i cant board a message board up and a chat room .

Mini biographys

Holly marie combs:
-Married to David Donoho. David works as a key grip on charmed.
-Holly is a producer of ''charmed''.
-Has a scar on her  eyebrow from when she was little and hit a coffee table.
-Holly has 3 tatoos one on her left wrist, one on her right wrist, and one on her upper back, and she has a flower on her back.
-Holly is a best friend with Shannan Doherty
-She is 5'2
-She was vegetarian for seven years and she couln't handle it anymore and she ate a hamburger. I dont blame her!!
-Holly was married to fellow actor Bryan Smith from 1993 to 1997 and briefly engaged to civilian Storm Lyndon before they split up in 2000.
-Gave birth to son, Finley Arthur Donoho on April 26, 2004.
-Holly and David's wedding day is on Valentine's day.
-Holly was born the same year as Piper Halliwell, the character she plays on ''charmed''.
-Was a smoker since the age 15. When she was became pregnant for her son Finley, she decided to quit, not only for her but for her babys health, she couldn't stand the smell of smoke.
-On charmed Holly makes $60,000 per episode.
-Holly and Alyssa are really close friends, she even goes to Alyssa's parents house on sunday dinners.
Charmed profile:
Name: Piper Halliwell-Wyatt.
Born: June 7, 1973 in San-Fransico,California.
Parents: Patricia Halliwell and Victor Bennitt.
Haire color: dark brown
Eye colour: brown
Height: 5'2
Occupation: owner of the nightclub P3.
Children: Wyatt  Mathew Halliwell and Chris Perry.
Powers: Freezing time (Temporal Stasis) and blowing  things up (particule manipulation)

Alyssa Milano:

-Alyssa Milano is the daughter of Italian-American parents Lin, a fashion designer, and Tom, a film music editor. She has a brother named Cory Milano who has done minor acting roles.
-Alyssa was born in a working class neighborhood in brooklyn and grew up in modest house on staten island.
-Had a best-selling exercise video in 1998 called Teen Steam.
-Awarded $230,000 in a default judgement againts a web designer that allegedly posted nude pictures of her.
-Engaged to scott wolf but their engagement was broken off and they are no longer seeing each other.
-Her first role was in the musical ''Annie'' on broadway, she was 8 years old then. Her babysitter draged her to an audition but instead of the babysitter getting the part Alyssa did.
-Wore colored contact lenses in some episode Who's the boss.
-Alyssa has 7 tatoos.She has a sacred heart on her behind, a fairy kneeling in a grass on her hip, rosary beads on her back, an angel on her left ankle, an Orobous (a snake biting it's own tail) on her right wrist, an ''om'' on the other wrist and a garland of flowers around her right ankle.
-A picture of her was used to create Ariel in the classic Disney movie The little Mermaid.
-Did u know the actresses on charmed got a raise this season from a reportedly $80,000 to $102,000.
Charmed profile:
Name: Phoebe Halliwell
Born: November 2, 1975 in San-Fransico, California.
Parents: Patricia Halliwell and Victor Bennitt.
Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: brown
Height: 5'3
Occupation: Advice columnist- bay mirror.
Powers: seing into the future and past (premonition), empathy and levitation.

Rose Mcgowan: 

-She was engaged to Marilyn Manson
-She ran away from home at age 13 teen
-Rose has a tattoo of betty Page on her right shoulder.
-Has 2 dogs
-Spends $50 every month to get her dogs nails painted.
-Is the only person who has attended the VMA's nude.
-She was nominated for a 1996 independent spirit award for best Debut Performence for her role as Amy Blue in the Doom Generation.
-She was nominated for a 1999 MTV movie award for the best villaine for he role as courtney Shane in Jawbreacker.
-Blood red  lipstick is her trademark.
-Most of her boyfriends have been jewish.
-(1998) she dated ryan phillippe.
-She was a child model in italy
-Mother is french and her father is irish.
-Dyed her hair blonde in order to contrast her black hair from Neve Campbell's in scream (1996).
-Before moving in to Los Angeles, Rose attended beauty and art school in Seatle.
-Rose never ever sunbathes.
-Rose is addicted to shoes!
Charmed profile:
Name: Paige Mathews
Born:August 2, 1977 in San-Fransisco in California.
Parents: Patricia Halliwell and Sam Wilder (Patty's whitelighter)
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: brown
Height: 5'3
Occupation: temping
Power: orbing and calling for objects (telekenetic-orbing)
Shannen Doherty:
-When auditionning for prue, she was late, and it almost cost her the role.
-Has four horses and three dogs.
-Has a Goddaughter named Cooper Smith.
-Was engaged to Dean Factor; separated 1991.
-Became engaged to Chris Faufas in 1991: separated in 1992.
-star sign is Aries.
-Moon sign is scorpion.
-Religion: Southern Badptist.
-She is allergic to chocolat and wool.
-Favorite colors are green and blue.
-She has a scar on her nose.
-she speaks english, french and spanish.
-she hates yogurt.
-Almost slapped Alyssa Milano during a rehearsal of charmed.
-Secret fact: Holly marie combs informed TV Guide that she and Shannen were set to start rehearsing for the fourth season of charmed but when she came  into rehearsal, they told her she  was fired.
-Shannen made $75,000 per episode on charmed.
-One of her eyes is higher than the other.
-Shannen misses Holly allot.
Charmed profile:
Name: Pruedence Halliwell
Born: October ??? 1971 in San Fransisco in California.
Parents: Patricia Halliwell and Victor Bennitt
Hair colour: black/dark browncolour:Eye colour: blue
Height: 5'4
Occupation: photographer at 415 magazin
Power: moving things with her mind (telekinesis) and astral projection.





















favorite links

kiwicharmed one of the best charmed site

thats beyond charmed!! cool site!!!

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